Get a free game, if you test and review it for us

We value independent testing and reviews of our games. Whether it is a new game or an existing game, your feedback can help us to make our games better.

If you agree to review one of our games we will send you that game free of charge, to keep. To qualify as a reviewer you must:

  • Have relevant experience of the game’s topic
  • Complete the testing within 2 weeks of receiving the game
  • Provide online feedback (questionnaires for facilitator and players)
  • Where possible provide pictures and/ or videos of the sessions you organise.

Here are the games that can be reviewed. If you would like to review any of these games, please complete the application form and we will be in touch.

NEWS2 Game:
Helps staff and students develop understanding of the assessment process and effective use of NEWS2.

Maternity Simulation Game:
Helps multidisciplinary staff learn the complexities of managing a maternity unit safely.

Who Cares Wins:
A tool for all levels of nursing staff. Includes all aspects of care as the players follow the progression of a patient from admission to discharge.

Essential Diagnosis:
Helps junior doctors, medical students improve their diagnostic thinking and history taking skills.

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